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mw backup

Manage backups of your projects

mw backup create

Create a new backup of a project

$ mw backup create --expires <value> [-q] [-p <value>] [--description <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--description=<value> a description for the backup.
--expires=<value> (required) an interval after which the backup expires (examples: 30m, 30d, 1y).
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

$ mw project backup create

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw backup delete BACKUP-ID

Delete a backup

$ mw backup delete BACKUP-ID [-q] [-f]

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

Delete a backup

$ mw project backup delete

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw backup download BACKUP-ID

Download a backup to your local disk

$ mw backup download BACKUP-ID [-q] [--format tar|zip] [--password <value> | --generate-password |
--prompt-password] [--resume --output <value>]

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--format=<option> [default: tar] the file format to download the backup in.
<options: tar|zip>
--generate-password generate a random password to encrypt the backup with.
--output=<value> the file to write the backup to; if omitted, the filename will be determined by the server.
--password=<value> the password to encrypt the backup with.
--prompt-password prompt for a password to encrypt the backup with.
--resume resume a previously interrupted download.

Download a backup to your local disk

$ mw project backup download

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--generate-password generate a random password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION: this is not stored anywhere.

--password=<value> the password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION #1: this is not stored anywhere.
CAUTION #2: it is dangerous to use this option, as the password might be stored in your shell history.

--prompt-password prompt for a password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION: this is not stored anywhere.

mw backup get BACKUP-ID

Show details of a backup.

$ mw backup get BACKUP-ID -o txt|json|yaml

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Show details of a backup.

$ mw project backup get

mw backup list

List Backups for a given Project.

$ mw backup list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List Backups for a given Project.

$ mw project backup list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw backup schedule create

Create a new backup schedule

$ mw backup schedule create --schedule <value> --ttl <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--description <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--description=<value> Set the description for the backup schedule.
--schedule=<value> (required) Set the interval at which the backup should be scheduled.
--ttl=<value> (required) Define the backup retention period in days for backups created.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--description=<value> Set the description for the backup schedule.

Set the description for the given backup schedule to be displayed in mStudio and with the list command.

--schedule=<value> Set the interval at which the backup should be scheduled.

Must be specified as a cron schedule expression. Cannot be scheduled more often than once per hour. Defines the
interval at which the backup creation will be executed.

--ttl=<value> Define the backup retention period in days for backups created.

Must be specified as an amount of days between 7 and 400 in the format [amount]d - e.g. '7d' for 7 days. This will
define the number of days the backup will be kept.

mw backup schedule delete BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID

Delete a backup schedule

$ mw backup schedule delete BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID [-q] [-f]

BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID ID of schedule to delete

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

Delete a backup schedule

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw backup schedule list

List backup schedules belonging to a given project.

$ mw backup schedule list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List backup schedules belonging to a given project.

$ mw project backupschedule list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw backup schedule update BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID

Update an existing backup schedule

$ mw backup schedule update BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID [-q] [--description <value>] [--schedule <value>] [--ttl <value>]

BACKUP-SCHEDULE-ID Define the backup schedule that is to be updated

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--description=<value> Set the description for the backup schedule.
--schedule=<value> Set the interval at which the backup should be scheduled.
--ttl=<value> Define the backup retention period in days for backups created.

Update an existing backup schedule

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--description=<value> Set the description for the backup schedule.

Set the description for the given backup schedule to be displayed in mStudio and with the list command.

--schedule=<value> Set the interval at which the backup should be scheduled.

Must be specified as a cron schedule expression. Cannot be scheduled more often than once per hour. Defines the
interval at which the backup creation will be executed.

--ttl=<value> Define the backup retention period in days for backups created.

Must be specified as an amount of days between 7 and 400 in the format [amount]d - e.g. '7d' for 7 days. This will
define the number of days the backup will be kept.