mw context
Save certain environment parameters for later use
mw context get
Print an overview of currently set context parameters
$ mw context get [-o txt|json]
-o, --output=<option> [default: txt] The output format to use; use 'txt' for a human readable text representation,
and 'json' for a machine-readable JSON representation.
<options: txt|json>
Print an overview of currently set context parameters
The context allows you to persistently set values for common parameters, like --project-id or --server-id, so you
don't have to specify them on every command.
mw context reset
Reset context values
$ mw context reset
Reset context values
This command resets any values for common parameters that you've previously set with 'context set'.
mw context set
Set context values for the current project, org or server
$ mw context set [--project-id <value>] [--server-id <value>] [--org-id <value>] [--installation-id <value>]
--installation-id=<value> ID or short ID of an app installation
--org-id=<value> ID or short ID of an organization
--project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project
--server-id=<value> ID or short ID of a server
Set context values for the current project, org or server
The context allows you to persistently set values for common parameters, like --project-id or --server-id, so you
don't have to specify them on every command.