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mw conversation

Manage your support cases

mw conversation categories

Get all conversation categories.

$ mw conversation categories -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

Get all conversation categories.

mw conversation close [CONVERSATION-ID]

Close a conversation

$ mw conversation close [CONVERSATION-ID]

CONVERSATION-ID ID or short ID of a conversation; this argument is optional if a default conversation is set in the

Close a conversation

mw conversation create

Create a new conversation

$ mw conversation create --title <value> [--message <value> | --message-from <value>] [--editor <value>] [--category

--category=<value> [default: general] Category of the conversation; use the 'conversation categories' command to
list available categories
--editor=<value> [default: vim] The editor to use when opening the message for editing; will respect your
EDITOR environment variable, and fall back on 'vim' if that is not set.
--message=<value> The body of the message to send; if neither this nor --message-from is given, an editor will
be opened to enter the message.
--message-from=<value> A file from which to read the message to send; may be '-' to read from stdin. If neither this
nor --message is given, an editor will be opened to enter the message.
--title=<value> (required) Title of the conversation

Create a new conversation

mw conversation list

Get all conversations the authenticated user has created or has access to.

$ mw conversation list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

Get all conversations the authenticated user has created or has access to.

mw conversation reply [CONVERSATION-ID]

Reply to a conversation

$ mw conversation reply [CONVERSATION-ID] [--message <value> | --message-from <value>] [--editor <value>]

CONVERSATION-ID ID or short ID of a conversation; this argument is optional if a default conversation is set in the

--editor=<value> [default: vim] The editor to use when opening the message for editing; will respect your
EDITOR environment variable, and fall back on 'vim' if that is not set.
--message=<value> The body of the message to send; if neither this nor --message-from is given, an editor will
be opened to enter the message.
--message-from=<value> A file from which to read the message to send; may be '-' to read from stdin. If neither this
nor --message is given, an editor will be opened to enter the message.

Reply to a conversation

mw conversation show [CONVERSATION-ID]

Show a conversation and message history

$ mw conversation show [CONVERSATION-ID]

CONVERSATION-ID ID or short ID of a conversation; this argument is optional if a default conversation is set in the

Show a conversation and message history