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mw project

Manage your projects, and also any kinds of user memberships concerning these projects.

mw project backup create

Create a new backup of a project

$ mw project backup create --expires <value> [-q] [-p <value>] [--description <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--description=<value> a description for the backup.
--expires=<value> (required) an interval after which the backup expires (examples: 30m, 30d, 1y).
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

$ mw project backup create

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw project backup delete BACKUP-ID

Delete a backup

$ mw project backup delete BACKUP-ID [-q] [-f]

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

Delete a backup

$ mw project backup delete

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw project backup download BACKUP-ID

Download a backup to your local disk

$ mw project backup download BACKUP-ID [-q] [--format tar|zip] [--password <value> | --generate-password |
--prompt-password] [--resume --output <value>]

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--format=<option> [default: tar] the file format to download the backup in.
<options: tar|zip>
--generate-password generate a random password to encrypt the backup with.
--output=<value> the file to write the backup to; if omitted, the filename will be determined by the server.
--password=<value> the password to encrypt the backup with.
--prompt-password prompt for a password to encrypt the backup with.
--resume resume a previously interrupted download.

Download a backup to your local disk

$ mw project backup download

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--generate-password generate a random password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION: this is not stored anywhere.

--password=<value> the password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION #1: this is not stored anywhere.
CAUTION #2: it is dangerous to use this option, as the password might be stored in your shell history.

--prompt-password prompt for a password to encrypt the backup with.

CAUTION: this is not stored anywhere.

mw project backup get BACKUP-ID

Show details of a backup.

$ mw project backup get BACKUP-ID -o txt|json|yaml

BACKUP-ID ID or short ID of a backup.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Show details of a backup.

$ mw project backup get

mw project backup list

List Backups for a given Project.

$ mw project backup list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List Backups for a given Project.

$ mw project backup list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project backupschedule list

List backup schedules belonging to a given project.

$ mw project backupschedule list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List backup schedules belonging to a given project.

$ mw project backupschedule list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project create

Create a new project

$ mw project create -d <value> [-s <value>] [-q] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>] [--update-context]

-d, --description=<value> (required) A description for the project.
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-s, --server-id=<value> ID or short ID of a server; this flag is optional if a default server is set in the
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--update-context Update the CLI context to use the newly created project
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Create a new project

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

-s, --server-id=<value> ID or short ID of a server; this flag is optional if a default server is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a server; you can also use the "mw context set --server-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default server for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project cronjob execution get CRONJOB-ID EXECUTION-ID

Get a cron job execution.

$ mw project cronjob execution get CRONJOB-ID EXECUTION-ID -o txt|json|yaml

CRONJOB-ID ID of the cronjob the execution belongs to
EXECUTION-ID ID of the cronjob execution to be retrieved.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Get a cron job execution.

$ mw project cronjob execution get

mw project cronjob execution list

List CronjobExecutions belonging to a Cronjob.

$ mw project cronjob execution list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv --cronjob-id <value> [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate]
[--no-relative-dates] [--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--cronjob-id=<value> (required) ID of the cron job for which to list executions for.
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List CronjobExecutions belonging to a Cronjob.

$ mw project cronjob execution list

mw project cronjob execution logs CRONJOB-ID EXECUTION-ID

Get the log output of a cronjob execution.

$ mw project cronjob execution logs CRONJOB-ID EXECUTION-ID -o txt|json|yaml [--no-pager]

CRONJOB-ID ID of the cronjob the execution belongs to
EXECUTION-ID ID of the cronjob execution to be retrieved.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>
--no-pager Disable pager for output.

Get the log output of a cronjob execution.

This command prints the log output of a cronjob execution. When this command is run in a terminal, the output is piped
through a pager. The pager is determined by your PAGER environment variable, with defaulting to "less". You can
disable this behavior with the --no-pager flag.

$ mw project cronjob execution logs

mw project cronjob list

List cron jobs belonging to a project.

$ mw project cronjob list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List cron jobs belonging to a project.

$ mw project cronjob list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project delete [PROJECT-ID]

Delete a project

$ mw project delete [PROJECT-ID] [-q] [-f]

PROJECT-ID ID or short ID of a project; this argument is optional if a default project is set in the context.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

Delete a project

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw project filesystem usage [PROJECT-ID]

Get a project directory filesystem usage.

$ mw project filesystem usage [PROJECT-ID] -o txt|json|yaml [--human]

PROJECT-ID ID or short ID of a project; this argument is optional if a default project is set in the context.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>
--human Display human readable sizes.

Get a project directory filesystem usage.

mw project get [PROJECT-ID]

Get details of a project

$ mw project get [PROJECT-ID] -o txt|json|yaml

PROJECT-ID ID or short ID of a project; this argument is optional if a default project is set in the context.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Get details of a project

mw project invite get INVITE-ID

Get a ProjectInvite.

$ mw project invite get INVITE-ID -o txt|json|yaml

INVITE-ID ID of the ProjectInvite to be retrieved.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Get a ProjectInvite.

mw project invite list

List all invites belonging to a project.

$ mw project invite list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all invites belonging to a project.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project invite list-own

List all project invites for the executing user.

$ mw project invite list-own -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all project invites for the executing user.

mw project list

List all projects that you have access to

$ mw project list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all projects that you have access to

mw project membership get MEMBERSHIP-ID

Get a ProjectMembership

$ mw project membership get MEMBERSHIP-ID -o txt|json|yaml

MEMBERSHIP-ID ID of the ProjectMembership to be retrieved.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Get a ProjectMembership

mw project membership get-own

Get the executing user's membership in a Project.

$ mw project membership get-own -o txt|json|yaml [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the

Get the executing user's membership in a Project.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project membership list

List all memberships for a Project.

$ mw project membership list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all memberships for a Project.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project membership list-own

List ProjectMemberships belonging to the executing user.

$ mw project membership list-own -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List ProjectMemberships belonging to the executing user.

mw project sftp-user list

List all SFTP users for a project.

$ mw project sftp-user list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all SFTP users for a project.

$ mw project sftp-user list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project ssh [PROJECT-ID]

Connect to a project via SSH

$ mw project ssh [PROJECT-ID] [--ssh-user <value>] [--ssh-identity-file <value>]

PROJECT-ID ID or short ID of a project; this argument is optional if a default project is set in the context.

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.
--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

Connect to a project via SSH

Establishes an interactive SSH connection to a project.

This command is a wrapper around your systems SSH client, and will respect your SSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config.

An exception to this is the 'User' configuration, which will be overridden by this command to either your
authenticated mStudio user or the user specified with the --ssh-user flag.

See https://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config for a reference on the configuration file.

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.

The SSH identity file to use for the connection. This file should contain an SSH private key and will be used to
authenticate the connection to the server.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE environment variable.

--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

This flag can be used to override the SSH user that is used for a connection; be default, your own personal user
will be used for this.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_USER environment variable.

mw project ssh-user list

List all SSH users for a project.

$ mw project ssh-user list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List all SSH users for a project.

$ mw project ssh-user list

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw project update [PROJECT-ID]

Update an existing project

$ mw project update [PROJECT-ID] [-q] [-p <value>] [--description <value>]

PROJECT-ID ID or short ID of a project; this argument is optional if a default project is set in the context.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--description=<value> Set the project description

Update an existing project

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.