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Breaking (!) API changes for v2 API, January 24 to January 31

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

This week, the mittwald API introduces several updates, including optional response properties for contributor descriptions and deprecation notes, the addition of required properties for DNS zone responses, and enhancements to the request body for DNS record updates.


  • The response property '/items/description' has become optional for the status '200' in both the "List Contributors" and "Get a Contributor" operations. This is a breaking change.
  • The optional properties '/items/deprecation/note' and '/items/deprecation/successorId' have been added to the response with the '200' status in the "List Extensions of own contributor" operation.
  • The required property 'recordSet/caa' has been added to the response with the '200' status in the "Get a DNSZone" operation.
  • The request body has been updated to include '#/components/schemas/de.mittwald.v1.dns.RecordCAAComponent' in the 'oneOf' list for the "Update a record set on a DNSZone" operation.
  • A new enum value 'caa' has been added to the 'path' request parameter 'recordSet' in the "Update a record set on a DNSZone" operation.
  • The optional properties '/items/deprecation/note' and '/items/deprecation/successorId' have been added to the response with the '200' status in the "List Extensions" operation.
  • The optional properties 'deprecation/note' and 'deprecation/successorId' have been added to the response with the '200' status in the "Get an Extension" operation.
  • The required property '/items/recordSet/caa' has been added to the response with the '200' status in the "List DNSZones belonging to a Project" operation.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "List contributors"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the response property '/items/description' became optional for the status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contributors/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a contributor"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the response property 'description' became optional for the status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contributors/{contributorId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Extensions of own contributor"

  • added the optional property '/items/deprecation/note' to the response with the '200' status

  • added the optional property '/items/deprecation/successorId' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contributors/{contributorId}/extensions/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a DNS Zone"

  • added the required property 'recordSet/caa' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Update a record set on a DNS Zone"

  • added '#/components/schemas/de.mittwald.v1.dns.RecordCAAComponent' to the request body 'oneOf' list

  • added the new enum value 'caa' to the 'path' request parameter 'recordSet'

For details, refer to the PUT/v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Extensions"

  • added the optional property '/items/deprecation/note' to the response with the '200' status

  • added the optional property '/items/deprecation/successorId' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/extensions/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get an Extension"

  • added the optional property 'deprecation/note' to the response with the '200' status

  • added the optional property 'deprecation/successorId' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/extensions/{extensionId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List DNS Zones belonging to a Project"

  • added the required property '/items/recordSet/caa' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/dns-zones/ endpoint.