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API changes for v2 API, February 21 to February 28

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

This week, the mittwald API has removed two schemas and introduced two new optional request parameters for the backup listing endpoint.


  • The GET /v2/projects/{projectId}/backups operation has been updated to include two new optional query request parameters: sortOrder and withExportsOnly.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "List Backups belonging to a Project"

  • added the new optional query request parameter sortOrder

  • added the new optional query request parameter withExportsOnly

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/backups/ endpoint.

Client package releases

Release Summary: mittwald PHP SDK v2.1.109

The mittwald PHP SDK has been updated to version v2.1.109. This release introduces new features and changes to enhance the flexibility and customization of backup retrieval processes.

Added Features

  • ListProjectBackupsRequest Enhancements: New parameters have been added to allow filtering of backups with exports only and to specify sorting preferences.
  • BackupSortOrder Enum: A new enum has been implemented to standardize sorting options, providing oldestFirst and newestFirst as choices.


  • ListProjectBackupsRequest.php:

    • Introduced a withExportsOnly boolean parameter for filtering.
    • Added a sortOrder parameter linked to the BackupSortOrder enum.
    • Included getter methods for the new parameters.
    • Implemented methods to set and unset these parameters for better request customization.
    • Updated input and output handling to support the new parameters.
  • BackupSortOrder.php:

    • Created a new enum BackupSortOrder to ensure type-safe sorting preferences.

For more details, visit the release page.

mittwald PHP SDK Release v2.1.108

The latest release of the mittwald PHP SDK, version v2.1.108, introduces significant changes to the API client structure. Notably, this release removes the Scaling and ServerInternal classes. The Scaling class, which managed scaling parameters such as maximum and minimum limits, has been eliminated. Similarly, the ServerInternal class, which included properties and functions related to the internal server object model, has also been removed. These changes suggest a shift towards a potentially simpler or different model for managing server and scaling details.

For more details, visit the release page.

mittwald JavaScript SDK Release 4.110.0

The mittwald JavaScript SDK version 4.110.0 has been released. This update includes a feature enhancement with an updated generated client. For more details, you can view the release on GitHub.

mittwald JavaScript SDK Release 4.109.0

The mittwald JavaScript SDK has been updated to version 4.109.0. This release includes an update to the generated client, enhancing the SDK's functionality. For more details, you can view the release on GitHub here.