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Creating a project using the API

On project placements

There are different ways to deploy a new project:

  1. When you have access to a server (which you will get for example when using the "Space Server" plan1), you can create a new project on that server. Any projects deployed on a server will utilize the same shared resource pool. Since you pay for the server, you can deploy as many projects as resource utilization allows, without additional costs.
  2. For the future, we reserve the option to offer the creation of stand-alone projects. These will be projects that are not part of a server, and will be deployed on a shared resource pool. You will pay for the resources used by the project, and you will be able to deploy as many projects as you want.

Creating a project…

…on a server

To create a project on an existing server, you will require that server’s ID. You can find all servers you have access to using the GET/v2/servers/ endpoint.

To create a new project, send a request to the POST/v2/servers/{serverId}/projects/ endpoint. The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • description should contain a human-readable description of the project. This is a required value.

The response, when successful, will contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id is the ID of the newly created project.

…as a stand-alone project

Observing project readiness

A newly created project will not be available immediately (however, it should be available within a few seconds). To check whether a project is ready, send a request to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/ endpoint. Among other properties, the response will contain an isReady property. This property will be true when the project is ready, and false otherwise.

