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Creating many email addresses from a CSV file


Imagine you have a CSV file with a list of users and email addresses that you want to import into your project. This example demonstrates how to do that using the mittwald CLI.

For the purposes of this example, we will assume that the CSV file has the following structure:


Setting the project context

  1. Obtain the ID of the project into which you want to import the email addresses, for example using the mw project list command.
  2. Set the project context by running mw context set --project-id <INSERT ID>.

Importing the CSV file

Use the mw mail address create command to create email addresses from a CSV file:

#        (1)       (2)
while IFS=, read -r first_name last_name email password < users.csv ; do
mw mail address create -q \
--address "$email" \
--password "$password" \

Some customizations that may be needed:

  1. Adjust the IFS variable to the separator character used in your CSV file (usually , or ;).
  2. Adjust the arguments to read -r to match the actual columns in your CSV file.