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mw app

Manage apps, and app installations in your projects

mw app copy [INSTALLATION-ID]

Copy an app within a project

$ mw app copy [INSTALLATION-ID] --description <value> [-q]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--description=<value> (required) set a description for the new app installation

Copy an app within a project

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw app create node

Creates new custom Node.js installation.

$ mw app create node [-p <value>] [-q] [--site-title <value>] [--entrypoint <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--entrypoint=<value> [default: yarn start] the command that should be used to start your custom Node.js
--site-title=<value> site title for your custom Node.js installation.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new custom Node.js installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--entrypoint=<value> the command that should be used to start your custom Node.js application.

This is the command that should be used to start your application; the app is required to run in the foreground, and
to listen on the port specified by the PORT environment variable.

--site-title=<value> site title for your custom Node.js installation.

The site title for this custom Node.js installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio
and the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

mw app create php

Creates new custom PHP installation.

$ mw app create php --document-root <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--document-root=<value> (required) [default: /] the document root from which your custom PHP will be served
(relative to the installation path)
--site-title=<value> site title for your custom PHP installation.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new custom PHP installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.


the document root from which your custom PHP will be served (relative to the installation path)

This is the document root from which the files of your application will be served by the web server. This directory
is specified relative to the installation path.

--site-title=<value> site title for your custom PHP installation.

The site title for this custom PHP installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

mw app create python

Creates new custom python site installation.

$ mw app create python [-p <value>] [-q] [--site-title <value>] [--entrypoint <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--entrypoint=<value> the command that should be used to start your custom python site application.
--site-title=<value> site title for your custom python site installation.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new custom python site installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--entrypoint=<value> the command that should be used to start your custom python site application.

This is the command that should be used to start your application; the app is required to run in the foreground, and
to listen on the port specified by the PORT environment variable.

--site-title=<value> site title for your custom python site installation.

The site title for this custom python site installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the
mStudio and the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

mw app create static

Creates new custom static site installation.

$ mw app create static --document-root <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--document-root=<value> (required) [default: /] the document root from which your custom static site will be
served (relative to the installation path)
--site-title=<value> site title for your custom static site installation.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new custom static site installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.


the document root from which your custom static site will be served (relative to the installation path)

This is the document root from which the files of your application will be served by the web server. This directory
is specified relative to the installation path.

--site-title=<value> site title for your custom static site installation.

The site title for this custom static site installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the
mStudio and the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

mw app dependency list

Get all available dependencies

$ mw app dependency list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

Get all available dependencies

mw app dependency update [INSTALLATION-ID]

Update the dependencies of an app

$ mw app dependency update [INSTALLATION-ID] --set <value>... [-q] [--update-policy

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--set=<value>... (required) set a dependency to a specific version
--update-policy=<option> [default: patchLevel] set the update policy for the configured dependencies
<options: none|inheritedFromApp|patchLevel|all>

Update Node.js version to newest available from the 18.x branch

$ mw app dependency update $APP_ID --set node=~18

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--set=<value>... set a dependency to a specific version

The format is <dependency>=<version>, where <dependency> is the name of the dependency (use the "mw app dependency
list" command to get a list of available dependencies) and <version> is a semver constraint.

This flag may be specified multiple times to update multiple dependencies.

mw app dependency versions SYSTEMSOFTWARE

Get all available versions of a particular dependency

$ mw app dependency versions SYSTEMSOFTWARE -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate]
[--no-relative-dates] [--csv-separator ,|;]

SYSTEMSOFTWARE name of the systemsoftware for which to list versions

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

Get all available versions of a particular dependency

mw app download [INSTALLATION-ID]

Download the filesystem of an app within a project to your local machine

$ mw app download [INSTALLATION-ID] --target <value> [-q] [--ssh-user <value>] [--ssh-identity-file <value>]
[--exclude <value>...] [--dry-run] [--delete] [--remote-sub-directory <value>]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--delete delete local files that are not present on the server
--dry-run do not actually download the app installation
--exclude=<value>... [default: ] exclude files matching the given pattern
--remote-sub-directory=<value> specify a sub-directory within the app installation to download
--target=<value> (required) target directory to download the app installation to

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.
--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

Download the filesystem of an app within a project to your local machine

This command downloads the filesystem of an app installation to your local machine via rsync.

For this, rsync needs to be installed on your system.

This command relies on connecting to your hosting environment via SSH. For this, it will use your systems SSH client
under the hood, and will respect your SSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config.

An exception to this is the 'User' configuration, which will be overridden by this command to either your
authenticated mStudio user or the user specified with the --ssh-user flag.

See for a reference on the configuration file.

This command will also look for a file named .mw-rsync-filter in the current directory and use it as a filter file for
rsync. Have a look at for more
information on how to write filter rules.

Download entire app to current working directory

$ mw app download .

Download only shared dir from a deployer-managed app

$ mw app download --remote-sub-directory=shared .

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--remote-sub-directory=<value> specify a sub-directory within the app installation to download

This is particularly useful when you only want to download a specific sub-directory of the app installation, for
example when you are using a deployment tool that manages the app installation directory itself, and you only want
to download exempt files, like environment specific configuration files or user data. For example, if you want to
download from "/html/my-app-XXXXX/config", set "--remote-sub-directory=config".

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.

The SSH identity file to use for the connection. This file should contain an SSH private key and will be used to
authenticate the connection to the server.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE environment variable.

--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

This flag can be used to override the SSH user that is used for a connection; be default, your own personal user
will be used for this.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_USER environment variable.

mw app get [INSTALLATION-ID]

Get details about an app installation

$ mw app get [INSTALLATION-ID] -o txt|json|yaml

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml>

Get details about an app installation

mw app install contao

Creates new Contao installation.

$ mw app install contao --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-user
<value>] [--admin-email <value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w]
[--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Contao installation with; needs to be created
--site-title=<value> site title for your Contao installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Contao to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Contao installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Contao installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Contao installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Contao installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Contao installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Contao installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Contao installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Contao configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Contao

--site-title=<value> site title for your Contao installation.

The site title for this Contao installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Contao to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Contao will be installed.
If unspecified, the Contao will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install drupal

Creates new Drupal installation.

$ mw app install drupal --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Drupal installation with; needs to be created separately.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Drupal installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Drupal to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Drupal installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Drupal installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Drupal installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Drupal installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Drupal installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Drupal configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Drupal

--site-title=<value> site title for your Drupal installation.

The site title for this Drupal installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Drupal to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Drupal will be installed.
If unspecified, the Drupal will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install grav

Creates new Grav installation.

$ mw app install grav --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email <value>]
[--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w]
[--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Grav installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Grav to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Grav installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Grav installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Grav installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Grav installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Grav installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Grav installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--site-title=<value> site title for your Grav installation.

The site title for this Grav installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Grav to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Grav will be installed.
If unspecified, the Grav will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install humhub

Creates new HumHub installation.

$ mw app install humhub --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w]
[--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your HumHub installation with; needs to be created
--site-title=<value> site title for your HumHub installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of HumHub to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new HumHub installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the HumHub installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the HumHub installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the HumHub installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the HumHub installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the HumHub installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your HumHub installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the HumHub configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your HumHub

--site-title=<value> site title for your HumHub installation.

The site title for this HumHub installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of HumHub to be installed.

Specify the version in which your HumHub will be installed.
If unspecified, the HumHub will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install joomla

Creates new Joomla! installation.

$ mw app install joomla --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w]
[--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Joomla! installation with; needs to be created
--site-title=<value> site title for your Joomla! installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Joomla! to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Joomla! installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Joomla! installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Joomla! installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Joomla! installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Joomla! installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Joomla! installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Joomla! installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Joomla! configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Joomla!

--site-title=<value> site title for your Joomla! installation.

The site title for this Joomla! installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Joomla! to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Joomla! will be installed.
If unspecified, the Joomla! will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install magento2

Creates new Magento 2 installation.

$ mw app install magento2 --version <value> --opensearch-host <value> --opensearch-port <value> [-p <value>] [-q]
[--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email <value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>]
[--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [--shop-email <value>] [--shop-lang <value>] [--shop-currency
<value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Magento 2 installation with; needs to be created
--opensearch-host=<value> (required) the OpenSearch instance host which your Magento 2 will try to connect to
--opensearch-port=<value> (required) the OpenSearch instance port which your Magento 2 will try to connect to
--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Magento 2 will be working with.
--shop-email=<value> email address your Magento 2 will be working with.
--shop-lang=<value> language your Magento 2 will be working with.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Magento 2 installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Magento 2 to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Magento 2 installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Magento 2 installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Magento 2 installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Magento 2 installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Magento 2 installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Magento 2 installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Magento 2 installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Magento 2 configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Magento 2

--opensearch-host=<value> the OpenSearch instance host which your Magento 2 will try to connect to

This is the host of an existing OpenSearch instance which your application will have to connect to during
installation.This has to be a valid connection otherwise the installation will fail.

--opensearch-port=<value> the OpenSearch instance port which your Magento 2 will try to connect to

This is the port of an existing OpenSearch instance which your application will have to connect to during
installation.This has to be a valid connection otherwise the installation will fail.

--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Magento 2 will be working with.

The default currency your Magento 2 shop communicates prices and calculates transactions with.
If unspecified, this will default to EUR(€). The currency can be changed after the installation is finished.

--shop-email=<value> email address your Magento 2 will be working with.

The email address your Magento 2 installation will be using for correspondence with end users.
If unspecified, your mStudio account email will be used. This email address can be changed after the installation is

--shop-lang=<value> language your Magento 2 will be working with.

The default language your Magento 2 installation will be using. The front- and back end will be displayed using the
given language.
If unspecified, this will default to German (de_DE). The language can be changed after the installation is finished.

--site-title=<value> site title for your Magento 2 installation.

The site title for this Magento 2 installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Magento 2 to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Magento 2 will be installed.
If unspecified, the Magento 2 will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install matomo

Creates new Matomo installation.

$ mw app install matomo --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Matomo installation with; needs to be created separately.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Matomo installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Matomo to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Matomo installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Matomo installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Matomo installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Matomo installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Matomo installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Matomo configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Matomo

--site-title=<value> site title for your Matomo installation.

The site title for this Matomo installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Matomo to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Matomo will be installed.
If unspecified, the Matomo will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install moodle

Creates new Moodle installation.

$ mw app install moodle --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Moodle installation with; needs to be created separately.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Moodle installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Moodle to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Moodle installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Moodle installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Moodle installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Moodle installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Moodle installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Moodle configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Moodle

--site-title=<value> site title for your Moodle installation.

The site title for this Moodle installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Moodle to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Moodle will be installed.
If unspecified, the Moodle will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install neos

Creates new NEOS installation.

$ mw app install neos --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-pass <value>]
[--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--site-title=<value> site title for your NEOS installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of NEOS to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new NEOS installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the NEOS installation.
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the NEOS installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the NEOS installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the NEOS installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--site-title=<value> site title for your NEOS installation.

The site title for this NEOS installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of NEOS to be installed.

Specify the version in which your NEOS will be installed.
If unspecified, the NEOS will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install nextcloud

Creates new Nextcloud installation.

$ mw app install nextcloud --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Nextcloud installation with; needs to be created
--site-title=<value> site title for your Nextcloud installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Nextcloud to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Nextcloud installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Nextcloud installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Nextcloud installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Nextcloud installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Nextcloud installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Nextcloud configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Nextcloud

--site-title=<value> site title for your Nextcloud installation.

The site title for this Nextcloud installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Nextcloud to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Nextcloud will be installed.
If unspecified, the Nextcloud will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install prestashop

Creates new PrestaShop installation.

$ mw app install prestashop --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-email <value>] [--admin-pass
<value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>] [--shop-lang <value>] [-w]
[--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your PrestaShop installation with; needs to be created
--shop-lang=<value> language your PrestaShop will be working with.
--site-title=<value> site title for your PrestaShop installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of PrestaShop to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new PrestaShop installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the PrestaShop installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the PrestaShop
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the PrestaShop installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the PrestaShop installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--host=<value> host to initially configure your PrestaShop installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the PrestaShop configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your
PrestaShop installation.

--shop-lang=<value> language your PrestaShop will be working with.

The default language your PrestaShop installation will be using. The front- and back end will be displayed using the
given language.
If unspecified, this will default to German (de_DE). The language can be changed after the installation is finished.

--site-title=<value> site title for your PrestaShop installation.

The site title for this PrestaShop installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of PrestaShop to be installed.

Specify the version in which your PrestaShop will be installed.
If unspecified, the PrestaShop will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install shopware5

Creates new Shopware 5 installation.

$ mw app install shopware5 --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>]
[--shop-email <value>] [--shop-lang <value>] [--shop-currency <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Shopware 5 installation with; needs to be created
--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Shopware 5 will be working with.
--shop-email=<value> email address your Shopware 5 will be working with.
--shop-lang=<value> language your Shopware 5 will be working with.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Shopware 5 installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Shopware 5 to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Shopware 5 installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 5 installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 5
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 5 installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 5 installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Shopware 5 installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Shopware 5 installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Shopware 5 configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Shopware
5 installation.

--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Shopware 5 will be working with.

The default currency your Shopware 5 shop communicates prices and calculates transactions with.
If unspecified, this will default to EUR(€). The currency can be changed after the installation is finished.

--shop-email=<value> email address your Shopware 5 will be working with.

The email address your Shopware 5 installation will be using for correspondence with end users.
If unspecified, your mStudio account email will be used. This email address can be changed after the installation is

--shop-lang=<value> language your Shopware 5 will be working with.

The default language your Shopware 5 installation will be using. The front- and back end will be displayed using the
given language.
If unspecified, this will default to German (de_DE). The language can be changed after the installation is finished.

--site-title=<value> site title for your Shopware 5 installation.

The site title for this Shopware 5 installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Shopware 5 to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Shopware 5 will be installed.
If unspecified, the Shopware 5 will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install shopware6

Creates new Shopware 6 installation.

$ mw app install shopware6 --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--admin-firstname <value>] [--admin-lastname <value>] [--site-title <value>]
[--shop-email <value>] [--shop-lang <value>] [--shop-currency <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.
--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your Shopware 6 installation with; needs to be created
--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Shopware 6 will be working with.
--shop-email=<value> email address your Shopware 6 will be working with.
--shop-lang=<value> language your Shopware 6 will be working with.
--site-title=<value> site title for your Shopware 6 installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of Shopware 6 to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new Shopware 6 installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 6 installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-firstname=<value> first name of your administrator user.

The first name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 6
If unspecified, the first name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation
is finished.

--admin-lastname=<value> Lastname of your administrator user.

The last name that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 6 installation.
If unspecified, the last name of your mStudio user will be used. This value can be changed after the installation is

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the Shopware 6 installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the Shopware 6 installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your Shopware 6 installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the Shopware 6 configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your Shopware
6 installation.

--shop-currency=<value> Currency your Shopware 6 will be working with.

The default currency your Shopware 6 shop communicates prices and calculates transactions with.
If unspecified, this will default to EUR(€). The currency can be changed after the installation is finished.

--shop-email=<value> email address your Shopware 6 will be working with.

The email address your Shopware 6 installation will be using for correspondence with end users.
If unspecified, your mStudio account email will be used. This email address can be changed after the installation is

--shop-lang=<value> language your Shopware 6 will be working with.

The default language your Shopware 6 installation will be using. The front- and back end will be displayed using the
given language.
If unspecified, this will default to German (de_DE). The language can be changed after the installation is finished.

--site-title=<value> site title for your Shopware 6 installation.

The site title for this Shopware 6 installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of Shopware 6 to be installed.

Specify the version in which your Shopware 6 will be installed.
If unspecified, the Shopware 6 will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install typo3

Creates new TYPO3 installation.

$ mw app install typo3 --version <value> --install-mode composer|symlink [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>]
[--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email <value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your TYPO3 installation with; needs to be created separately.
--install-mode=<option> (required) [default: composer] The installation mode your TYPO3 will be installed with.
<options: composer|symlink>
--site-title=<value> site title for your TYPO3 installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of TYPO3 to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new TYPO3 installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the TYPO3 installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the TYPO3 installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the TYPO3 installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your TYPO3 installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the TYPO3 configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your TYPO3

--install-mode=composer|symlink The installation mode your TYPO3 will be installed with.

TYPO3 can be installed in one of two different ways: either as a composer project or in a more manual fashion using
the source directory and the TYPO3 console install wizard.
If unspecified, this will default to a composer-based installation. This can not be changed later.

--site-title=<value> site title for your TYPO3 installation.

The site title for this TYPO3 installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and the
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of TYPO3 to be installed.

Specify the version in which your TYPO3 will be installed.
If unspecified, the TYPO3 will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app install wordpress

Creates new WordPress installation.

$ mw app install wordpress --version <value> [-p <value>] [-q] [--host <value>] [--admin-user <value>] [--admin-email
<value>] [--admin-pass <value>] [--site-title <value>] [-w] [--wait-timeout <value>]

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.
--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.
--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.
--host=<value> host to initially configure your WordPress installation with; needs to be created
--site-title=<value> site title for your WordPress installation.
--version=<value> (required) [default: latest] version of WordPress to be installed.
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like 'ms',
's', 'm' are accepted).

Creates new WordPress installation.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--admin-email=<value> email address of your administrator user.

email address that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the WordPress installation.
If unspecified, email address of your mStudio account will be used. This email address can be changed after the
installation is finished.

--admin-pass=<value> password of your administrator user.

The password that will be used for the first administrator user that is created during the WordPress installation.
If unspecified, a random secure password will be generated and printed to stdout. This password can be changed after
the installation is finished

--admin-user=<value> Username for your administrator user.

Username of the first administrator user which will be created during the WordPress installation.
If unspecified, an adequate username will be generated.
After the installation is finished, the username can be changed and additional administrator users can be created.

--host=<value> host to initially configure your WordPress installation with; needs to be created separately.

Specify a host which will be used during the installation and as an initial host for the WordPress configuration.
If unspecified, the default host for the given project will be used.
This does not change the target of the used host and can be changed later by configuring the host and your WordPress

--site-title=<value> site title for your WordPress installation.

The site title for this WordPress installation. It is also the title shown in the app overview in the mStudio and
the CLI.
If unspecified, the application name and the given project ID will be used. The title can be changed after the
installation is finished

--version=<value> version of WordPress to be installed.

Specify the version in which your WordPress will be installed.
If unspecified, the WordPress will be installed in the latest available version.

mw app list

List installed apps in a project.

$ mw app list -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate] [--no-relative-dates]
[--csv-separator ,|;] [-p <value>]

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List installed apps in a project.

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

mw app list-upgrade-candidates [INSTALLATION-ID]

List upgrade candidates for an app installation.

$ mw app list-upgrade-candidates [INSTALLATION-ID] -o txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv [-x] [--no-header] [--no-truncate]
[--no-relative-dates] [--csv-separator ,|;]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-o, --output=<option> (required) [default: txt] output in a more machine friendly format
<options: txt|json|yaml|csv|tsv>
-x, --extended show extended information
--csv-separator=<option> [default: ,] separator for CSV output (only relevant for CSV output)
<options: ,|;>
--no-header hide table header
--no-relative-dates show dates in absolute format, not relative (only relevant for txt output)
--no-truncate do not truncate output (only relevant for txt output)

List upgrade candidates for an app installation.

mw app open [INSTALLATION-ID]

Open an app installation in the browser.

$ mw app open [INSTALLATION-ID]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

Open an app installation in the browser.

This command opens an app installation in the browser. For this to work, there needs to be at least one virtual host
linked to the app installation.

mw app ssh [INSTALLATION-ID]

Connect to an app via SSH

$ mw app ssh [INSTALLATION-ID] [--ssh-user <value>] [--ssh-identity-file <value>] [--cd] [--info] [--test]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

--[no-]cd change to installation path after connecting
--info only print connection information, without actually connecting
--test test connection and exit

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.
--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

Connect to an app via SSH

Establishes an interactive SSH connection to an app installation.

This command is a wrapper around your systems SSH client, and will respect your SSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config.

An exception to this is the 'User' configuration, which will be overridden by this command to either your
authenticated mStudio user or the user specified with the --ssh-user flag.

See for a reference on the configuration file.

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.

The SSH identity file to use for the connection. This file should contain an SSH private key and will be used to
authenticate the connection to the server.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE environment variable.

--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

This flag can be used to override the SSH user that is used for a connection; be default, your own personal user
will be used for this.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_USER environment variable.

mw app uninstall [INSTALLATION-ID]

Uninstall an app

$ mw app uninstall [INSTALLATION-ID] [-q] [-f]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

Uninstall an app

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw app update [INSTALLATION-ID]

Update properties of an app installation (use 'upgrade' to update the app version)

$ mw app update [INSTALLATION-ID] [-q] [--description <value>] [--entrypoint <value>] [--document-root <value>]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--description=<value> update the description of the app installation
--document-root=<value> update the document root of the app installation
--entrypoint=<value> update the entrypoint of the app installation (Python and Node.js only)

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--description=<value> update the description of the app installation

This flag updates the description of the app installation. If omitted, the description will not be changed.

--document-root=<value> update the document root of the app installation

Updates the document root of the app installation. If omitted, the document root will not be changed. Note that not
all apps support this field.

--entrypoint=<value> update the entrypoint of the app installation (Python and Node.js only)

Updates the entrypoint of the app installation. If omitted, the entrypoint will not be changed. Note that this field
is only available for some types of apps (like Python and Node.js).

mw app upgrade [INSTALLATION-ID]

Upgrade app installation to target version

$ mw app upgrade [INSTALLATION-ID] [--target-version <value>] [-f] [-p <value>] [-q] [-w] [--wait-timeout

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation.
-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the
-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
-w, --wait wait for the resource to be ready.
--target-version=<value> target version to upgrade app to; if omitted, target version will be prompted
--wait-timeout=<value> [default: 600s] the duration to wait for the resource to be ready (common units like
'ms', 's', 'm' are accepted).

Upgrade app installation to target version

-p, --project-id=<value> ID or short ID of a project; this flag is optional if a default project is set in the context

May contain a short ID or a full ID of a project; you can also use the "mw context set --project-id=<VALUE>" command
to persistently set a default project for all commands that accept this flag.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

mw app upload [INSTALLATION-ID]

Upload the filesystem of an app to a project

$ mw app upload [INSTALLATION-ID] --source <value> [-q] [--ssh-user <value>] [--ssh-identity-file <value>]
[--exclude <value>...] [--dry-run] [--delete] [--remote-sub-directory <value>]

INSTALLATION-ID ID or short ID of an app installation; this argument is optional if a default app installation is set
in the context.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.
--delete delete remote files that are not present locally
--dry-run do not actually upload the app installation
--exclude=<value>... [default: ] exclude files matching the given pattern
--remote-sub-directory=<value> specify a sub-directory within the app installation to upload
--source=<value> (required) source directory from which to upload the app installation

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.
--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

Upload the filesystem of an app to a project

Upload the filesystem of an app from your local machine to a project.

For this, rsync needs to be installed on your system.

CAUTION: This is a potentially destructive operation. It will overwrite files on the server with the files from your
local machine. This is NOT a turnkey deployment solution. It is intended for development purposes only.

This command relies on connecting to your hosting environment via SSH. For this, it will use your systems SSH client
under the hood, and will respect your SSH configuration in ~/.ssh/config.

An exception to this is the 'User' configuration, which will be overridden by this command to either your
authenticated mStudio user or the user specified with the --ssh-user flag.

See for a reference on the configuration file.

This command will also look for a file named .mw-rsync-filter in the current directory and use it as a filter file for
rsync. Have a look at for more
information on how to write filter rules.

-q, --quiet suppress process output and only display a machine-readable summary.

This flag controls if you want to see the process output or only a summary. When using mw non-interactively (e.g. in
scripts), you can use this flag to easily get the IDs of created resources for further processing.

--remote-sub-directory=<value> specify a sub-directory within the app installation to upload

This is particularly useful when you only want to upload a specific sub-directory of the app installation, for
example when you are using a deployment tool that manages the app installation directory itself, and you only want
to upload exempt files, like environment specific configuration files or user data. For example, if you want to
upload to "/html/my-app-XXXXX/config", set "--remote-sub-directory=config".

--ssh-identity-file=<value> the SSH identity file (private key) to use for public key authentication.

The SSH identity file to use for the connection. This file should contain an SSH private key and will be used to
authenticate the connection to the server.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE environment variable.

--ssh-user=<value> override the SSH user to connect with; if omitted, your own user will be used

This flag can be used to override the SSH user that is used for a connection; be default, your own personal user
will be used for this.

You can also set this value by setting the MITTWALD_SSH_USER environment variable.

mw app versions [APP]

List supported Apps and Versions

$ mw app versions [APP]

APP name of specific app to get versions for

List supported Apps and Versions