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Running PHP apps locally with DDEV


Required tools

Before getting started, make sure you have the necessary tools installed on your local machine:

  • DDEV: DDEV is a local development environment that simplifies setting up and managing PHP applications on your computer.
  • Docker: Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside containers.

It's also recommended to have the mittwald CLI installed, although it's optional for this setup.

Setting up SSH connectivity

To use the ddev pull and ddev push commands, you need to set up SSH connectivity between your local machine and your mittwald app. To do this, follow the "SSH authentication" section of the mittwald CLI documentation.

Additionally, the DDEV integration with mittwald requires SSH connectivity to work correctly from within the DDEV web container. Typically, all your SSH keys are passed into the DDEV container using an SSH agent when you run ddev auth ssh. However, if you encounter issues like too many authentication failures, you may need to manually configure your SSH keys inside the DDEV container. Have a look at the "common issues" section for more information.

Setting up a DDEV environment for a mittwald project

The following instructions guide you through setting up a DDEV environment for your mittwald app. You can choose between using the mittwald CLI or manually configuring your DDEV environment.

These instructions work both for setting up a new DDEV environment, and also for connecting a mittwald app to an existing DDEV environment.

It's also up to you if you want to initialize an empty project and pull code and database from an already installed app on the server, or if you want to setup a DDEV environment for an already existing codebase on your local machine.

Using the mittwald CLI

If you already have the mittwald CLI installed, you can set up a DDEV project for your mittwald app with a single command.

To initiate the setup, run the following command in your terminal, replacing <app-id> with your application ID (usually formatted as a-xxxxx), and <project-name> with a suitable name for your project:

$ # Create and enter project directory; alternatively, this may also be an
existing project, for example cloned from a Git repository
$ mkdir project-dir && cd project-dir

$ # Initialize DDEV environment
$ mw ddev init <app-id> --project-name <project-name>

$ # Optional: Pull code and database from server
$ ddev pull mittwald

This command automatically configures a DDEV environment to closely match the environment of your existing mittwald app, including PHP and MySQL versions and the document root. Additionally, it installs and configures the mittwald DDEV addon, which integrates seamlessly with DDEV.

Manual Setup

If you don't have the mittwald CLI installed or prefer a manual approach, you can still set up a DDEV environment for your PHP app. Here's how:

$ ddev config \
--project-type <type> \
--php-version <php-version> \
--database mysql:<mysql-version>
$ ddev get mittwald/ddev

Replace <type>, <php-version>, and <mysql-version> with the appropriate values for your project. After running these commands, your DDEV environment will be configured, and the mittwald DDEV addon will be installed.

During this setup, you'll be prompted for a mittwald API token and your mittwald app's application ID (typically formatted as a-xxxxx).


Pulling and pushing your code and database

DDEV simplifies the process of synchronizing code and databases between your local environment and your mittwald app.

To pull the code and database from your mittwald app to your local DDEV environment, use:

$ ddev pull mittwald

Conversely, to push your local code and database changes to your mittwald app, run the following command:

$ ddev push mittwald

Using the mittwald CLI

The mittwald DDEV addon enables you to run the mittwald CLI directly within your DDEV web container. This integration allows you to execute various mittwald CLI commands seamlessly.

To utilize the mittwald CLI inside your DDEV environment, use the following syntax:

$ ddev mw <command>

Replace <command> with any supported command from the mittwald CLI.

Common issues

SSH connections fail with too many authentication failures

This error may occur when you have a lot of SSH key pairs configured on your local machine. In this case, the remote server may reject the connection after too many failed authentication attempts.

To circumvent this issue, you can manually configure your SSH keys inside the DDEV web container. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Find the SSH key pair that you want to use for the connection, and make sure that the public key is added to your mStudio user profile. For the following steps, we'll assume that the SSH key is named mstudio and the private key is stored in ~/.ssh/mstudio.

  2. Add the required SSH key directly to the DDEV web container by symlinking it into .ddev/homeadditions:1

    $ mkdir -p .ddev/homeadditions/.ssh
    $ ln -s ~/.ssh/mstudio ~/.ddev/homeadditions/.ssh/mstudio
  3. Set the MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE environment variable to point to the symlinked SSH key:

    $ ddev config --web-environment-add MITTWALD_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE=~/.ssh/mstudio


  1. DDEV homeadditions are a mechanism to extend your home directory within the web container. Have a look at the manual for more information.