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List Services belonging to a Project



  • projectIdstring (uuid)

    ID of the Project to list Services for.




  • Array[
  • *object
    • deployedStateobject

      The actual state of the container that is currently deployed.

      • commandarray of string

        The container command (equivalent to the Docker cmd). When omitted, this defaults to the command defined in the image.

        • Array[
        • *string
        • ]
    • entrypointarray of string

      The container entrypoint (equivalent to the Docker entrypoint). When omitted, this defaults to the entrypoint defined in the image.

      • Array[
      • *string
      • ]
  • envsobject

    Key-value map of environment variables that should be passed into the container.

    • *string
  • imagestring

    The image to run, in the usual format also used by docker run and docker compose. When the image is pulled from a private registry, make sure to create it first, using the container-create-registry endpoint. The appropriate registry is matched by hostname.

  • portsarray of string

    Exposed ports. Follows the format <public-port>:<container-port>/<protocol>. Exposed ports can be accessed from other containers (or managed apps) within the same project. To expose a port publicly, connect it with an ingress resource.

    • Array[
    • *string
    • ]
  • volumesarray of string

    Volume mounts for this container. These items always follow the format <volume>:<mountpoint>. The <volume> may either be a named volume, or a file path in the (always present) project file system (which is shared among containers and managed apps within a project).

    • Array[
    • *string
    • ]
  • descriptionstring
  • idstring (uuid)
  • pendingStateobject

    The desired state that is waiting to be reconciled.

    • commandarray of string

      The container command (equivalent to the Docker cmd). When omitted, this defaults to the command defined in the image.

      • Array[
      • *string
      • ]
  • entrypointarray of string

    The container entrypoint (equivalent to the Docker entrypoint). When omitted, this defaults to the entrypoint defined in the image.

    • Array[
    • *string
    • ]
  • envsobject

    Key-value map of environment variables that should be passed into the container.

    • *string
  • imagestring

    The image to run, in the usual format also used by docker run and docker compose. When the image is pulled from a private registry, make sure to create it first, using the container-create-registry endpoint. The appropriate registry is matched by hostname.

  • portsarray of string

    Exposed ports. Follows the format <public-port>:<container-port>/<protocol>. Exposed ports can be accessed from other containers (or managed apps) within the same project. To expose a port publicly, connect it with an ingress resource.

    • Array[
    • *string
    • ]
  • volumesarray of string

    Volume mounts for this container. These items always follow the format <volume>:<mountpoint>. The <volume> may either be a named volume, or a file path in the (always present) project file system (which is shared among containers and managed apps within a project).

    • Array[
    • *string
    • ]
  • projectIdstring (uuid)
  • serviceNamestring
  • stackIdstring (uuid)
  • statusstring (one of: running, stopped, restarting, error, creating, starting)
  • ]

    Usage examples

    $ curl \
    --fail \
    --location \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $MITTWALD_API_TOKEN" \