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API changes for v2 API, August 2, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

This document contains a machine-generated summary of the API changes for August 2, 2024. The API changes are based on the diff between the OpenAPI schemas of the two versions.


  • A new endpoint has been added for the operation POST with the operation ID extension-dry-run-webhook at the path /v2/contributors/{contributorId}/extensions/{extensionId}/extension-instances/{extensionInstanceId}/actions/dry-run/{webhookKind}.
  • The sharedWith request property for the operation POST with the operation ID conversation-create-conversation at the path /v2/conversations has been updated to include 'subschema #4' in its oneOf list.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "Dry run a webhook with random or given values"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/contributors/{contributorId}/extensions/{extensionId}/extension-instances/{extensionInstanceId}/actions/dry-run/{webhookKind}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Create a conversation"

  • added 'subschema #4' to the 'sharedWith' request property 'oneOf' list

For details, refer to the POST/v2/conversations/ endpoint.