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API changes for v2 API, September 9, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On September 9, 2024, the mittwald API underwent several changes, including modifications to request parameter types and the addition of new enum values in response properties.


  • The type/format of the 'path' request parameter 'projectId' has been changed from 'string'/'uuid' to 'string'/'', affecting both the GET /v2/projects/{projectId}/delivery-boxes and GET /v2/projects/{projectId}/mail-addresses operations. This is a reversal of an earlier breaking change.

  • The new 'extensionInstance' enum value has been added to the response property for the following operations:

    • GET /v2/conversation-categories (response status '200')
    • GET /v2/conversation-categories/{categoryId} (response status '200')
    • GET /v2/conversations (response status '200')
    • GET /v2/conversations/{conversationId} (response status '200')

    Note that adding new enum values to responses could be unexpected for clients; it is recommended to use x-extensible-enum instead.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "List delivery boxes belonging to a Project"

  • ⚠️ Reversal of breaking change: for the 'path' request parameter 'projectId', the type/format was changed from 'string'/'uuid' to 'string'/''

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/delivery-boxes/ endpoint.

Changes in "List mail addresses belonging to a Project"

  • ⚠️ Reversal of breaking change: for the 'path' request parameter 'projectId', the type/format was changed from 'string'/'uuid' to 'string'/''

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/mail-addresses/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get all conversation categories"

  • added the new 'extensionInstance' enum value to the '/items/referenceType/items/' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversation-categories/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a specific conversation category"

  • added the new 'extensionInstance' enum value to the 'referenceType/items/' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversation-categories/{categoryId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get all conversation the authenticated user has created or has access to"

  • added the new 'extensionInstance' enum value to the '/items/category/referenceType/items/' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversations/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a support conversation"

  • added the new 'extensionInstance' enum value to the 'category/referenceType/items/' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald PHP SDK Release v2.1.60

The mittwald PHP SDK has been updated to version 2.1.60. This release includes several bug fixes, improvements, and new features.


  • Removed the format attribute for the projectId property in the request schemas for both ListDeliveryBoxesRequest.php and ListMailAddressesRequest.php. This change simplifies the schema by specifying just the type as string.
  • Added a new case extensionInstance to the CategoryReferenceTypeItem enum in CategoryReferenceTypeItem.php, expanding the classification options available in conversations.

For more details, visit the release page.