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API changes for v2 API, November 14, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On November 14, 2024, the mittwald API introduced a new 'bankrupt' enum value to the 'status/items/type' response property for both the GET and PUT operations related to customer invoice settings.


  • The new enum value 'bankrupt' has been added to the 'status/items/type' response property for the response status '200' in both the GET and PUT operations for invoice settings. This change may be unexpected for clients, and it is recommended to use x-extensible-enum to handle such additions.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "Get InvoiceSettings of a Customer"

  • added the new 'bankrupt' enum value to the 'status/items/type' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/customers/{customerId}/invoice-settings/ endpoint.

Changes in "Update InvoiceSettings of a Customer"

  • added the new 'bankrupt' enum value to the 'status/items/type' response property for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the PUT/v2/customers/{customerId}/invoice-settings/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald PHP SDK Release v2.1.81

The mittwald PHP SDK has been updated to version v2.1.81. This release introduces a new feature and some changes to the invoice settings:

  • New Feature: A new status option, bankrupt, has been added to the invoice settings. This enhancement allows for improved tracking and management of invoice statuses.
  • Changes:
    • The bankrupt status has been incorporated into the InvoiceSettingsStatus schema.
    • The bankrupt case is now included in the InvoiceSettingsStatusType enum.

For more details, you can view the release on GitHub.

mittwald JavaScript SDK Release 4.74.0

The mittwald JavaScript SDK has been updated to version 4.74.0. This release includes an update to the generated client, enhancing the SDK's functionality. For more details, you can view the release on GitHub here.