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API changes for v1 API, August 6, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

This document contains a machine-generated summary of the API changes for August 6, 2024. The API changes are based on the diff between the OpenAPI schemas of the two versions.


  • New endpoints have been added to the API:

    • GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs: Retrieve cronjobs for an account.
    • POST /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs: Create a new cronjob.
    • GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/benefits: Retrieve cronjob benefits for an account.
    • GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}: Retrieve a specific cronjob for an account.
    • GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/directories: Retrieve the directory structure for an account.
    • GET /cronjobs/interpreter: Retrieve interpreters for cronjobs.
    • GET /cronjobs/intervaltemplates: Retrieve interval templates for cronjobs.
    • GET /cronjobs/softwaretemplates: Retrieve cronjob software templates.
    • DELETE /cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}: Delete a cronjob.
    • PUT /cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}: Update a specific cronjob for an account.
  • The response properties for the GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/domains operation have been updated to require the following properties for a status of '200':

    • /items/fullname
    • /items/name
    • /items/tld
  • The response properties for the POST /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/domains operation have been updated to require the following properties for a status of '201':

    • /items/fullname
    • /items/name
    • /items/tld
  • The GET /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/installations operation now includes an optional property /items/archiveFrom in the response for a status of '200'.

  • The GET /installations/{installationIdentifier} operation also includes an optional property archiveFrom in the response for a status of '200'.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "cronjobs eines Accounts auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/ endpoint.

Changes in "Neuen cronjob anlegen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/ endpoint.

Changes in "cronjob-Benefits eines Accounts auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/benefits/ endpoint.

Changes in "Spezifischen cronjob eines Accounts auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Verzeichnisstruktur eines Accounts auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/directories/ endpoint.

Changes in "Domains eines Accounts auslesen"

  • the response property '/items/fullname' became required for the status '200'

  • the response property '/items/name' became required for the status '200'

  • the response property '/items/tld' became required for the status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/domains/ endpoint.

Changes in "Domain registrieren/Transfer einleiten"

  • the response property '/items/fullname' became required for the status '201'

  • the response property '/items/name' became required for the status '201'

  • the response property '/items/tld' became required for the status '201'

For details, refer to the POST/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/domains/ endpoint.

Changes in "Softwareinstallationen auslesen"

  • added the optional property '/items/archiveFrom' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/installations/ endpoint.

Changes in "Interpreter für cronjobs auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/cronjobs/interpreter/ endpoint.

Changes in "Intervalltemplates für cronjobs auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/cronjobs/intervaltemplates/ endpoint.

Changes in "cronjob-Softwaretemplates auslesen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/cronjobs/softwaretemplates/ endpoint.

Changes in "cronjob löschen"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the DELETE/cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Spezifischen cronjob eines Accounts bearbeiten"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the PUT/cronjobs/{cronjobIdentifier}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Details einer Softwareinstallation auslesen"

  • added the optional property 'archiveFrom' to the response with the '200' status

For details, refer to the GET/installations/{installationIdentifier}/ endpoint.