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Breaking (!) API changes for v2 API, August 7, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

This document contains a machine-generated summary of the API changes for August 7, 2024. The API changes are based on the diff between the OpenAPI schemas of the two versions.


  • The response property type for appId has changed from 'string' to 'uuid' for status '200' in the following operations:

    • GET /v2/apps/{appId}/versions (List AppVersions belonging to an App)
    • GET /v2/apps/{appId}/versions/{appVersionId} (Get an AppVersion)
    • GET /v2/apps/{appId}/versions/{baseAppVersionId}/update-candidates (List update candidates belonging to an AppVersion). This is a breaking change.
  • For the operation GET /v2/servers (List Servers belonging to the executing user), default values have been added for the following query request parameters:

    • limit with a default value of '10000.00'
    • page with a default value of '1.00'
    • skip with a default value of '0.00'. This is a breaking change.
  • The following new optional query request parameters have been added for the operation GET /v2/projects (List Projects belonging to the executing user):

    • limit
    • page
    • skip.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "List app versions belonging to an app"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the '/items/appId' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'' to 'string'/'uuid' for status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/apps/{appId}/versions/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get an app version"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the 'appId' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'' to 'string'/'uuid' for status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/apps/{appId}/versions/{appVersionId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List update candidates belonging to an app version"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the '/items/appId' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'' to 'string'/'uuid' for status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/apps/{appId}/versions/{baseAppVersionId}/update-candidates/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Servers belonging to the executing user"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: for the 'query' request parameter 'limit', default value '10000.00' was added

  • ⚠️ Breaking: for the 'query' request parameter 'page', default value '1.00' was added

  • ⚠️ Breaking: for the 'query' request parameter 'skip', default value '0.00' was added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/servers/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Projects belonging to the executing user"

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'limit'

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'page'

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'skip'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/ endpoint.