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Breaking (!) API changes for v2 API, August 22, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On August 22, 2024, the mittwald API introduced several enhancements, including the addition of default values and minimum constraints for request parameters in the invoice listing endpoint, the introduction of multiple new endpoints for managing certificates and ingresses, and updates to response statuses for ingress updates.


  • For the GET /v2/customers/{customerId}/invoices operation, the following changes were made:

    • The default value for the query request parameter limit was added, set to 1000.00.
    • The default value for the query request parameter skip was added, set to 0.00.
    • The minimum value for the query request parameter limit was set to 1.00.
    • The minimum value for the query request parameter page was set to 1.00. Note that these changes are breaking changes.
  • The following endpoints were added:

    • POST /v2/actions/list-ingresses-compatible-with-certificate for listing ingresses compatible with a certificate.
    • DELETE /v2/certificate-request/{certificateRequestId} for deleting a CertificateRequest.
    • GET /v2/certificate-requests for listing CertificateRequests belonging to a Project or an Ingress.
    • POST /v2/certificate-requests for creating a CertificateRequest.
    • GET /v2/certificate-requests/{certificateRequestId} for getting a CertificateRequest.
    • DELETE /v2/certificate/{certificateId} for deleting a Certificate.
    • GET /v2/certificates for listing Certificates belonging to a Project or an Ingress.
    • GET /v2/certificates/{certificateId} for getting a Certificate.
    • PUT /v2/certificates/{certificateId} for updating a Certificate.
    • POST /v2/certificates/{certificateId}/actions/check-replace-certificate for checking the replacement of a Certificate.
    • GET /v2/certificates/{certificateId}/contract for returning the Contract for the given Certificate.
  • For the GET /v2/ingresses operation, the following new optional query request parameters were added:

    • certificateId
    • limit
    • page
    • skip
  • For the PATCH /v2/ingresses/{ingressId}/tls operation, the following non-success responses were added:

    • A response with the status 403.
    • A response with the status 412.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "List Invoices of a Customer"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: for the 'query' request parameter 'limit', default value '1000.00' was added

  • ⚠️ Breaking: for the 'query' request parameter 'skip', default value '0.00' was added

  • for the 'query' request parameter 'limit', the min was set to '1.00'

  • for the 'query' request parameter 'page', the min was set to '1.00'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/customers/{customerId}/invoices/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Ingresses compatible with a certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/actions/list-ingresses-compatible-with-certificate/ endpoint.

Changes in "Delete a CertificateRequest"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the DELETE/v2/certificate-request/{certificateRequestId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List CertificateRequests belonging to a Project or an Ingress"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificate-requests/ endpoint.

Changes in "Create a CertificateRequest"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/certificate-requests/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a CertificateRequest"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificate-requests/{certificateRequestId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Delete a Certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the DELETE/v2/certificate/{certificateId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Certificates belonging to a Project or an Ingress"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificates/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a Certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificates/{certificateId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Update a Certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the PUT/v2/certificates/{certificateId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Check the replacement of a Certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/certificates/{certificateId}/actions/check-replace-certificate/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the Contract for the given Certificate"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificates/{certificateId}/contract/ endpoint.

Changes in "List Ingresses"

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'certificateId'

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'limit'

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'page'

  • added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'skip'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/ingresses/ endpoint.

Changes in "Update the tls settings of an Ingress"

  • added the non-success response with the status '403'

  • added the non-success response with the status '412'

For details, refer to the PATCH/v2/ingresses/{ingressId}/tls/ endpoint.