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API changes for v2 API, September 10, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On September 10, 2024, the mittwald API added a new subschema to the 'sharedWith' request property of conversations.


  • The operation POST /v2/conversations has had a new property added to the oneOf list for the sharedWith request property, allowing users to share conversations with extension instances.

Detailed changes

Changes in "Create a conversation"

  • added 'subschema #6' to the 'sharedWith' request property 'oneOf' list

For details, refer to the POST/v2/conversations/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald PHP SDK v2.1.61 Release

Release v2.1.61

Summary of Changes

This release introduces enhancements to the API for file uploads, including a corrected endpoint, and adds support for specifying the project environment in the app installation schema.


Improved File Upload Endpoint

  • The endpoint for uploading files has been updated to:
    This change ensures consistency with the API's versioning.

Project Environment Support

  • Added a new projectEnvironment field to the AppInstallationInternal schema, which allows specifying the environment in which the project is running.
  • New methods have been introduced to handle the project environment:
    • getProjectEnvironment(): Retrieves the project environment.
    • withProjectEnvironment(string $projectEnvironment): Sets the project environment with validation.
    • withoutProjectEnvironment(): Removes the project environment from the instance.

Code Changes

  • File upload endpoint modified in RequestFileUploadRequest.php.
  • New property and methods added to AppInstallationInternal.php to support project environment functionality, including:
    • Addition of projectEnvironment property.
    • Getter and setter methods for project environment.