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Breaking (!) API changes for v2 API, November 8, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On November 8, 2024, the mittwald API underwent significant changes, including updates to response property types, the removal of required properties, and the introduction of new optional properties across various endpoints related to conversations.


  • The property type/format for /items/relatedTo and /items/sharedWith in the response for the GET operation on /v2/conversations has changed from object to an unspecified type for status '200'. This is a breaking change.
  • The required properties /items/relatedTo/aggregate, /items/relatedTo/domain, /items/relatedTo/id, /items/sharedWith/aggregate, /items/sharedWith/domain, and /items/sharedWith/id have been removed from the response for the GET operation on /v2/conversations. This is a breaking change.
  • The optional property /items/notificationRoles has been added to the response for the GET operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the /items/sharedWith response property has been updated to include new subschemas for the GET operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the /items/relatedTo response property has been updated to include new subschemas for the GET operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The 'relatedTo' request property type/format has changed from object to an unspecified type for the POST operation on /v2/conversations. This is a breaking change.
  • The required properties 'relatedTo/aggregate', 'relatedTo/domain', and 'relatedTo/id' have been removed from the request for the POST operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The optional request property 'notificationRoles' has been added for the POST operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the 'relatedTo' request property has been updated to include new subschemas for the POST operation on /v2/conversations.
  • The 'relatedTo' request property type/format has changed from 'object' to an unspecified type for the PUT operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}. This is a breaking change.
  • The required properties 'relatedTo/aggregate', 'relatedTo/domain', and 'relatedTo/id' have been removed from the request for the PUT operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}.
  • The optional property /items/notificationRoles has been added to the response for the GET operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the 'sharedWith' response property has been updated to include new subschemas for the GET operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the 'relatedTo' response property has been updated to include new subschemas for the GET operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}.
  • The 'oneOf' list for the 'relatedTo' request property has been updated to include new subschemas for the PUT operation on /v2/conversations/{conversationId}.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "Get all conversation the authenticated user has created or has access to"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the /items/relatedTo response's property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/'' for status '200'

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the /items/sharedWith response's property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/'' for status '200'

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/relatedTo/aggregate from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/relatedTo/domain from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/relatedTo/id from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/sharedWith/aggregate from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/sharedWith/domain from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property /items/sharedWith/id from the response with the '200' status

  • added the optional property /items/notificationRoles to the response with the '200' status

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4' to the /items/sharedWith response property 'oneOf' list for the response status '200'

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4, subschema #5, subschema #6' to the /items/relatedTo response property 'oneOf' list for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversations/ endpoint.

Changes in "Create a conversation"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed 'subschema #4, subschema #6' from the 'sharedWith' request property 'oneOf' list

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the 'relatedTo' request property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/''

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/aggregate'

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/domain'

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/id'

  • added the new optional request property 'notificationRoles'

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4, subschema #5, subschema #6' to the 'relatedTo' request property 'oneOf' list

For details, refer to the POST/v2/conversations/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get a support conversation"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the 'relatedTo' response's property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/'' for status '200'

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the 'sharedWith' response's property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/'' for status '200'

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'relatedTo/aggregate' from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'relatedTo/domain' from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'relatedTo/id' from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'sharedWith/aggregate' from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'sharedWith/domain' from the response with the '200' status

  • ⚠️ Breaking: removed the required property 'sharedWith/id' from the response with the '200' status

  • added the optional property 'notificationRoles' to the response with the '200' status

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4' to the 'sharedWith' response property 'oneOf' list for the response status '200'

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4, subschema #5, subschema #6' to the 'relatedTo' response property 'oneOf' list for the response status '200'

For details, refer to the GET/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Update the basic properties of the conversation"

  • ⚠️ Breaking: the 'relatedTo' request property type/format changed from 'object'/'' to ''/''

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/aggregate'

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/domain'

  • removed the request property 'relatedTo/id'

  • added 'subschema #1, subschema #2, subschema #3, subschema #4, subschema #5, subschema #6' to the 'relatedTo' request property 'oneOf' list

For details, refer to the PUT/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald JavaScript SDK Release 4.70.0

The mittwald JavaScript SDK has been updated to version 4.70.0. This release includes an update to the generated client, enhancing the SDK's functionality. For more details on the changes, you can view the release on GitHub: mittwald JavaScript SDK 4.70.0.