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API changes for v2 API, December 16, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On December 16, 2024, the mittwald API underwent significant changes, including the removal of specific schemas and security endpoints, as well as the addition of several optional properties related to contract termination across various response paths.


  • The schema has been removed from the API.
  • The endpoint scheme security de.mittwald.v1.commons.AccessToken was removed from the GET /v2/apps operation, which lists apps.
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/certificates/{certificateId}/contract:
    • additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • termination/cancellationForbidden
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/contracts/{contractId}:
    • additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • termination/cancellationForbidden
  • The optional property termination/cancellationForbidden has been added to the response with the 200 status for the following operations:
    • GET /v2/contracts/{contractId}/base-items
    • GET /v2/contracts/{contractId}/items/{contractItemId}
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/customers/{customerId}/contracts:
    • /items/additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • /items/baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • /items/termination/cancellationForbidden
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/domains/{domainId}/contract:
    • additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • termination/cancellationForbidden
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/projects/{projectId}/contract:
    • additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • termination/cancellationForbidden
  • The following optional properties have been added to the response with the 200 status for the operation GET /v2/servers/{serverId}/contract:
    • additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden
    • termination/cancellationForbidden

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in schemas

  • removed the schema

Changes in "List apps"

  • the endpoint scheme security de.mittwald.v1.commons.AccessToken was removed from the API

For details, refer to the GET/v2/apps/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the Contract for the given Certificate"

  • added the optional property additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/certificates/{certificateId}/contract/ endpoint.

Changes in "Returns the Contract with the given ID"

  • added the optional property additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contracts/{contractId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the BaseItem of the Contract with the given ID"

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contracts/{contractId}/base-items/ endpoint.

Changes in "Get the ContractItem with the given ID"

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/contracts/{contractId}/items/{contractItemId}/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return a list of Contracts for the given Customer"

  • added the optional property /items/additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property /items/baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property /items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/customers/{customerId}/contracts/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the Contract for the given Domain"

  • added the optional property additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/domains/{domainId}/contract/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the Contract for the given Project"

  • added the optional property additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/projects/{projectId}/contract/ endpoint.

Changes in "Return the Contract for the given Server"

  • added the optional property additionalItems/items/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property baseItem/termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

  • added the optional property termination/cancellationForbidden to the response with the 200 status

For details, refer to the GET/v2/servers/{serverId}/contract/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald JavaScript SDK Release 4.86.0

The mittwald JavaScript SDK has been updated to version 4.86.0. This release includes an update to the generated client, enhancing the SDK's functionality. For more details, you can view the release on GitHub here.