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API changes for v2 API, October 24, 2024

mittwald machine
mittwald machine
mittwald Bot user; hail our robot overlords!

On October 24, 2024, the mittwald API introduced several new endpoints, including the ability to update customer invoice settings, create recommendation suggestions, and manage customer wallets.


  • A new endpoint has been added to create a recommendation suggestion for a customer with a POST operation at the path /v2/customers/{customerId}/recommendation-suggestions.
  • A new endpoint has been added to retrieve the wallet of a customer with a GET operation at the path /v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet.
  • A new endpoint has been added to create a wallet for a customer with a POST operation at the path /v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet.

Disclaimer: This summary is AI-generated. If you find any discrepancies, please refer to the detailed changes below.

Detailed changes

Changes in "Lets us know your idea for our recommendation programm"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/customers/{customerId}/recommendation-suggestions/ endpoint.

Changes in "Gets the Wallet of the Customer"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the GET/v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet/ endpoint.

Changes in "Create the Wallet for the Customer"

  • endpoint added

For details, refer to the POST/v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet/ endpoint.

Client package releases

mittwald PHP SDK Release v2.1.76

The mittwald PHP SDK has been updated to version 2.1.76, introducing new features and API changes aimed at enhancing customer engagement and service management.

Features Added

  • Recommendation Suggestion: A new capability to suggest recommendations to customers has been introduced via the createRecommendationSuggestion endpoint. This allows customers to submit ideas for our new recommendation programm announced soon.
  • Wallet Management: New functionality for creating and managing customer wallets has been implemented. The createWallet endpoint allows customers to manage their reward points, while the getWallet endpoint provides access to wallet details, including points.

API Changes

  • New Endpoints:

    • POST /v2/customers/{customerId}/recommendation-suggestions
    • POST /v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet
    • GET /v2/customers/{customerId}/wallet
  • CustomerClient Interface: New methods have been added to the CustomerClient interface to support these features.

  • New Response Classes: Several new response classes have been introduced to handle various outcomes for the new endpoints.

For more details, visit the release page.